A Short Film About Women
Part of the Polish School of Animation project curated by Katarzyna Surmacz, this collection presents some of the most prominent, established and emerging Polish animation directors. Wiola Sowa, Anita Kwiatkowska Naqvi, Marta Pajek, Karolina Specht, Weronika Szyma and Paulina Ziółkowska are some of the names whose films have traveled internationally – including Tallinn. Now we have the chance to see their most exemplary work together in a single thread. Women animate films about women: puberty, sexual experiences, pregnancy and aging are some of the topics covered with sensitivity, powerful visual signature, and a direct (even if symbolic) approach to their subject matter. Our era is the one that still needs those things to be voiced as clearly as they can – but let's also enjoy their artistry in doing so.