Rao Heidmets – the Crumbler of Dichotomy
Estonian surrealistic poet Andres Ehin has written – “Inside the wind there is another wind / that blows against the first one / as if through an invisible horn”. It seems those lines work with the animations created by Rao Heidmets in several ways. The confronting winds that seem to blow simultaneously in Heidmets’ work, might also derive from his elastic-spatial way of thinking, as you would expect from a puppet film marker like Heidmets. In his films, however, he is looking for answers to questions on a rather high level of abstraction. He seems to be mainly intrigued by the greatest traps of the perception of the mundane – the dichotomic world-view. With the alert sense of absurd so characteristic to Estonian animation, Heidmets sometimes manages to model reality with such detail, that such timeless masterpieces like “Theatre Papa Carlo“ (1988) and “Inherent Obligations“ (2008) are born. As a convinced surrealist he has consistently crumbled tedious dichotomies for us on his long quest of animation. May he be honoured!