Baltic Shorts Residency 2024 Announces Participants

Three Baltic filmmakers given opportunity to develop short film scripts as part of the 6th edition of the Baltic Shorts Residency.

Between 1st and 21st June, three filmmakers will have the chance to hone their short film screenplays advised by screenwriting expert Anna Ciennik (France). These filmmakers are Martynas Norvaišas (Lithuania), Jazeps Podnieks (Latvia) and Alesja Suzdaltseva (Estonia).

Read more about their projects here.

The Baltic Shorts Residency 2024 will take place in Kintai, a small Lithuanian town situated in a rural environment off the coast of the Curonian Lagoon. Participants will stay at “Kintai Arts”, an artistic residence which provides a forum for all artistic branches and interdisciplinary work.

The Baltic Shorts Residency is organized by the Lithuanian Short Film Agency “Lithuanian Shorts”, which is financed by the Lithuanian Council for Culture. The residency is sponsored by Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture, partners – Kintai Arts, PÖFF Shorts | Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival, Riga International Film Festival, Riga International Short Film Festival 2ANNAS and Latvian Animation Association.