Introducing: Your Industry Shortcut

The Shorts Industry Shortcut (or SIS) is PÖFF Shorts’ industry arm, a stimulating, thought-provoking and inspiring talent building and guidance platform for emerging filmmakers.

Its events are conceived so as to develop the skills of emerging filmmakers, further the careers of future generations of filmmakers and guide them on the festival circuit. They also follow current trends in (short) film, strengthen the ties between the Baltic and International short film communities and meet the needs of the global film industry.

The aforementioned events include the MATCH ME PITCH intended to connect emerging Baltic producers and filmmakers. This particular event palliates the lack of emerging producers from the Baltic region as well as a lack of skills needed to find a suitable producer (of shorts) after film school. During the event, 3 emerging filmmakers from the Baltics pitch to 3 emerging producers their short film projects at the earliest stage of development. The result of the event should be at least one perfect producer-filmmaker match.

This is also followed up and cemented by a presentation titled “How to a find a producer” given by a seasoned producer.

Another initiative that falls under the realm of “talent guidance” is a masterclass by an established filmmaker both from the animation and live action branches, followed by a panel on a hot topic in the short film industry in collaboration with the Short Film Conference. This year’s topic revolves around the exhibition of short films in theaters, on television and streaming platforms. This is rounded off with a “Festival Ecosystem 101” presentation with the objective to demystify the short film circuit in the presence of 4 short film industry movers and shakers as well as a speed-dating session between short film professionals and filmmakers in attendance.

PÖFF Shorts and SIS also join forces with Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event for another edition of “Go Long,” with the aim to nurture a select number of filmmakers whose shorts have screened in competition at PÖFF Shorts. Taking filmmakers who are at the very beginning of their journey into the world of feature films, “Go Long” will once again offer the participants advice on their ideas via informal networking from a panel of industry professionals. The participants will then be able to better negotiate the feature film world with invaluable tips and feedback to their feature proposals.

SIS is aimed at local, regional and international emerging filmmakers and producers who have graduated from film school and/or who have 1 or 2 films under their belt as well as filmmakers with films in PÖFF Shorts’ Competition and sidebar programs, both in live action and animation.